JRL Adventure Trial
The JRL needs no introduction: hands-down New Zealand’s premier trial/trail ride through the Maungakotukutuku Valley. It’s really grown over the last twenty years and is a super-relaxed affair, with different grades catering to different skill levels - a total blast, in other words.T
The Annual JRL Adventure trial is Feb 25th and 26th this year so, if you’ve never done, get amongst it, it’s a gas.
This is to honour the late James Lawton who spent many years riding and training in the maungatooks, so come along and have an absolute blast!
Camping is available again this year, contact John Lawton 027 6233011 for further details.
Tour de South
Then, the following week, there will be a southern tour. The itinerary at this stage is to take the ferry to the South Island on Monday 27th and ride on the West Coast from Tuesday to Thursday. On Friday 3rd March a ride from Lake Taylor to Lake Sumner has been pencilled in, and on the weekend the group will be riding in Kaikoura before returning to the North Island on Tuesday or Wednesday.
For more info, contact John Lawton: nztrials@xtra.co.nz or 04 297 0240 or 027 6233011