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Twin Shock Trial // All welcome

You can call these events anything you like – classic, easy, traditional, English, old skool – but whatever you want to call them the club plans to run them again in 2019.

We have scheduled five for this year – the second Sunday of March, May, July, September and November, subject to change if they conflict with championship events. Venues for this year will be a mix of the traditional Maungies with cameos from Richard McKenzie’s, Top Pub and maybe Otaki Scouts.

All levels of rider are welcome and there will be lines available for ‘most any kind of trials-oriented bike. The hardest lines will be roughly equivalent to a ‘soft’ yellow at normal club events so they will be suitable for experienced clubman riders looking for a challenge, while the rest of our blue and social riders should have a ball on the easier lines.

We will be catering for the growing number of “electric kids” at all events. While they may have some variations due to range and small wheels it will be great for them (and us) to ride together.

Events will be permitted as “have a go days” so MNZ licences, while desirable, will not be mandatory. Bikes need to be in reasonable mechanical condition – power is optional but brakes and lanyard kill switches are highly recommended.

Sign on from 9am and briefing at 10am